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Vacations Rental Czech

In each of two parts there is a one-floor appartement 4 + kitchen corner + 2 WC + bathroom, private Sauna, of a total floor surface of 120m2, with 7 adequate beds in 3 bedrooms + 1 collapsible bed + 2 bed spaces on a sofa in the living room.

Accommodation Dolni Morava

Holiday Home in a quiet part of the mountain village Dolni Morava, which is located in the area of the National Park Kralicky Sneznik, which lies on the boundary of Orlicke hory (Eagle Mountains) – Jeseniky – East Bohemia and it is the third highest mountain range in Czech Republic!

Relax or adrenalin

Dolni Morava is a perfect place for your Holiday – not only in winter! There is so many thing to do here the whole year. Join us in Dolní Morava during the winter and enjoy the beautiful snowy nature or in spring/summer/autumn to visit rope park, The Little Mammoth’s water park, Sand world, rent a Segway, go cycling or hiking and much more.

The surrounding forests are full of mushrooms, blueberries and other forest fruits. In summer there are several possibilities of bathing both in the close vicinity and in the more distant surroundings, the closest is the thermal swimming pool in hotel Vista, in the neighbourhood also an aquapark with a water slide Žamberk, the reservoir Pastviny, the thermal swimming pool Velké Losiny. In Pastviny and on the rivers Moravia and Orlice there is also possibility of fishing and water sports.

Summer Activities – Winter Activities – Tips for Trips

Well and now all you have to do is to choose a date, book a rental of the cottage (email), arrive and have first-hand experience of all this. We hope that your holidays, recreation or just a stay for an extended weekend in our cottage will be one of those you will remember for a long time.

Price list Holiday Home Dolni Morava

Dolni Morava Activities

Ski center Sneznik, Snowpark Vetrny Vrch and Skicenter Dolni Morava are only about 3-4 minutes away from the cottage by car by car. Ski slopes (with artificial snowing and lighting) – e.g. the black ski slope is the steepest ski slope in Czechia!

There are fantastic tracks for cross-country skiers leading through a beautiful virgin nature in the surroundings of the cottage.

In our holiday home, not only winter sojourns are popular. Dolni Morava is cut out for an active rest: trips into the surroundings, castles, chateaus, hiking, cyclotourism, military forts etc.

Sky Walk Dolni Morava

Hiking and bicycle paths are well marked here. .

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